Be still, our beating heart!
First released in 1980 the Bronica SQ was a medium format camera that was developed in Japan as a cheaper, yet still high quality, alternative to Hasselblad’s imperious 500 series cameras. It shot a 6x6cm image that gave you twelve shots on a standard roll of 120 film. Released with professionals and wealthy amateurs in mind, the images captured on such a large negative have much greater levels of detail than standard 35mm film, making this a favourite of landscape, portrait or any other type of photographer who had still or slow-moving subjects and enough time for a lengthier set-up. The SQ line sits in a perfect sweet spot compared to cameras of older designs such as the Yashica TLR or much bigger and more expensive (6x7) offerings from the likes of Mamiya or Hasselblad.
Following on from the original SQ, the SQ-A added mirror lockup. Whilst it does have an electronically controlled shutter requiring a battery, it is otherwise very mechanical and completely manual focus, lending it a rugged, beautiful simplicity all of its own.
This copy is in wonderful condition, complete with a stunning 80mm lens, 120 film back, periscope viewfinder, and 2X tele-converter included. In very good mechanical, optical and cosmetic condition. In need of one brand new Forever Home…